Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15

I woke up around 3 am in a horrible coughing fit. My nose was all stuffed up and nothing was coming out. Every time I am sick and wake in the middle of the night, I make myself a hot chocolate milk with Manuka honey. It losens everything up and I'm able to fall right back to sleep after.


I was surprised at how balmy it was this morning. The thermometer was already up to 3 degrees at 8am.


After Ryan went off to school, I packed Alex up and we headed over to daycare and to drop off the cake I made yesterday.

Once I got back home, I vacuumed and tidied up the back room and built the boys a fort made from a giant box Wally brought home. A bunch of blankets and pillows inside made it nice and cozy.


I also had a bit of icing leftover from yesterday's cake, so I decided that I could get some more cake making practice in by making the boys an autobot cake.


Once Ryan got home, we went to pick Alex up. On the way home I noticed the gas gauge was kind of low.

Since the little gas station here isn't open on the weekends, I decided I'd better fill up, just in case.


Once we get back home, it's pizza for supper, some playtime in the fort, cake for dessert, TV, and then bed.

1 comment:

  1. very nice....good idea about the choc.milk, but i am surprised that you can fall asleep with all the caffeine in it.
