We are in the middle of a disgusting heat wave, so to try to beat the heat, I took Ryan out for his first ever Slush. He was insisting that he was never going to drink it, and no matter what I told him, he was convinced I was trying to feed him some kind of poison. So I said "It's like a melty popscicle, stick your finger in it and feel how nice and cold it is." Suddenly he perked up and said "Hey, it is nice and cold!" He took a sip and exclaimed "Mom, this is even better than ice cream!" Ahhh...never doubt The Mom young grasshopper.
Here is a self-portrait showing off our slush stained tongues
I also noticed how many wild lilies are blooming around the property. They are beautiful, but a real nuisance. Once you get them in your garden, they are almost impossible to get rid of, each flower/plant has and makes a million bulbs at it's roots. If you dig them out and miss just one bulb, it will grow back. I have a few pop up every spring in places I don't want them, and no matter how many times I try to kill/get rid of them, there they are again the next spring.
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